Einfach zu Hause
A photo album found in the street with pictures of domestic scenes. Dinners with friends, the interior of the flat, household objects. The pictures are a few decades old, but their contents, reflecting timeless practices, are common to all.
The series EINFACH ZU HAUSE applies a sharp cut that breaks up the intimacy of the images, separates the details and reveals an increasingly unfamiliar environment. Visual cues are altered, inverting the balance and perception of scenes. Meals become still lifes, the objects living elements, the individuals extras. The compositions escape the initial imposed framework of the photos and are then revealed in a new intimacy.
Collages on paper, 21x29,7cm, 2022
Margarine und Pfeffer
Auf dem Sofa mit Piet
mit Loeffel ohne Lampe
Bei Marja
Pfeffer unterdruck
Gespräch zu viert
Mit Marja